My name is Susan Wright and I love sewing. I love the creative process of deciding what to make and designing patterns. I have been sewing for 55 years. I learned this craft from my Mother and Grandmother who were masters at creating and repurposing. My very first project at 8 years old, was helping mother and grandmother make pinch pleat drapes for my grandparents huge bay windows. It was a massive job and we completed it in a weekend. From that point on, I was hooked. I have made clothing for myself and family. I have created home decor including drapes, furniture coverings and reupolstery, pillows, you name it. If I could cover it or change it to make my space inviting, I did it.
About Me
My other love is fashion and handbags. I love handbags. In my younger days, I loved having a bag that coordinated with my suit and shoes. Having a put together appearance was important to me as I worked in a male dominated business. When looking at business atire, bags tended to be too boxy and formal for my taste. I learned to make my own. I could have any style I wanted. I could have any color I wanted. I could have the functionality I wanted. It was a marriage created in my fashion mind and there was no stopping me. Now that I am retired from the business world, I do not want to stop my creative mind. I want to share it with you.
All items offered for sale are one of a kind. There may be more than one of each style. They will never be identical. They will be different colors, have different lining colors, different straps among other things. No two bags will be identical. They are all made by me, in my home studio.